
Github repository for Langtrace Typescript SDK’s -> Scale3-Labs/langtrace-typescript-sdk.

The name of Typescript SDK has word langtrase with a s and NOT langtrace.

To use the managed version of Langtrace, follow these steps:

  1. Sign up by going to this link Langtrace.
  2. Create a new Project and Generate an API key.


  1. In your application, install the Langtrace Typescript SDK using npm:
# Install the SDK
npm i @langtrase/typescript-sdk


  1. Initialize the Langtrace SDK with the API key you generated in the step 2:
# Import it into your project. Must precede any llm module imports
import * as Langtrace from "@langtrase/typescript-sdk";
Langtrace.init({ api_key: '<LANGTRACE_API_KEY>'})

For self-hosted Langtrace add api_host and point the URL to your own DNS or IP sddress.Langtrace

Example below:

import * as Langtrace from "@langtrase/typescript-sdk";
	api_key: "<YOUR API KEY>",
	batch: false,
	api_host: "http://localhost:3000/api/trace",

Here we are using http://localhost:3000/api/trace as the API host. You can replace it with your own DNS or IP address.

For more options on how to use SDK, please refer to features section.