
Make sure Docker and Docker compose versions are newer. To verify the versions, run the following commands: For docker docker --version and for docker compose docker compose --version

Step 1: Clone the repository

Clone the repository using the following command:

git clone
cd langtrace

Step 2: Configure environment variables

Repo already has .env file for common usecases, modify this file to suit your needs.

Authentication Configuration

Langtrace supports multiple authentication methods. Make sure to configure the necessary environment variables for your chosen authentication method(s) in the .env file. For detailed instructions, refer to our Authentication guide.

Step 3: Start the services

docker compose up -d

The application will be available at http://localhost:3000.

if you wish to build the docker image locally and use it, run the docker compose up command with the --build flag.

Step 4: Stop the services

To delete containers and volumes

docker compose down -v

-v flag is used to delete volumes.

Deleting the volumes also wipes out the data stored in postgres and clickhouse.

Useful Ops Commands


The following are some common issues that you may face while setting up langtrace using docker compose

Next Steps

After setting up Langtrace using Docker Compose, ensure that you’ve properly configured your chosen authentication method(s) and created the necessary user accounts. Refer to the Authentication guide for detailed instructions on setting up and managing authentication.