Github Repo: langtrace-helm-chart


  1. Access to Kubernetes cluster
  2. Helm installed (installation steps)
  3. kubectl installed (installation steps)

Quick Start

helm repo add langtrace
helm install langtrace langtrace/langtrace

Make sure you are in the right namespace context before running the helm install.


By default helm chart will spin up following services:

  • Langtrace App
  • Postgres DB with persistent volume
  • CLickhouse DB with persistent volume

If you wish to reuse an existing Postgres or Clickhouse instance, you can just set enabled to false and update the connection details in the env section in the values.yaml file.

Authentication Configuration

Langtrace supports multiple authentication methods. To configure authentication for your Kubernetes deployment:

Edit the values.yaml file in your Helm chart. Under the langtraceApp.env section, add the necessary environment variables for your chosen authentication method(s). For detailed instructions on authentication options and required variables, refer to our Authentication guide.

Configuration options

langtraceApp.imageLangtrace image repositoryscale3labs/langtrace-client
langtraceApp.langtrace_releaseLangtrace image taglatest
langtraceApp.replicaCountNumber of replicas1

Explore more configuration options in the values.yaml.


Upgrade the chart

helm upgrade langtrace langtrace/langtrace

Refresh the repository

helm repo update langtrace

Search of the chart version

helm search repo langtrace


helm uninstall langtrace