Langtrace is an official ecosystem partner of MongoDB .
MongoDB Vector Search is a feature that allows you to store and search for vectors in MongoDB.
Register for an Atlas account using your Google Account or an email address.
Create and deploy a Free cluster. You can use Atlas Free clusters as a small-scale development environment to host your data. Free clusters never expire, and provide access to a subset of Atlas features.
Connect to your cluster using the mongosh, the Node.js driver, the PyMongo driver, or Compass.
Load the mflix dataset into your cluster.
Install Langtrace, PyMongo, and OpenAI
You’ll need API keys from Langtrace and OpenAI. Sign up for
Langtrace and
OpenAI if you haven’t done so already.
here’s an example of how to use Langtrace with MongoDB:
from langtrace_python_sdk import langtrace, with_langtrace_root_span
import pymongo
import os
from openai import OpenAI
langtrace. init( api_key= os. environ[ "LANGTRACE_API_KEY" ] )
openai_client = OpenAI( api_key= os. environ[ "OPENAI_API_KEY" ] )
client = pymongo. MongoClient( os. environ[ "MONGO_URI" ] )
MODEL = "text-embedding-ada-002"
def get_embedding ( text) :
"""Generates vector embeddings for the given text."""
embedding = (
openai_client. embeddings. create( input = [ text] , model= MODEL) . data[ 0 ] . embedding
return embedding
@with_langtrace_root_span ( "mongo-vector-search" )
def vector_query ( ) :
db = client[ "sample_mflix" ]
embedded_movies_collection = db[ "embedded_movies" ]
pipeline = [
"$vectorSearch" : {
"index" : "vector_index" ,
"path" : "plot_embedding" ,
"queryVector" : get_embedding( "time travel" ) ,
"numCandidates" : 150 ,
"limit" : 10 ,
} ,
"$project" : {
"_id" : 0 ,
"plot" : 1 ,
"title" : 1 ,
"score" : { "$meta" : "vectorSearchScore" } ,
} ,
result = embedded_movies_collection. aggregate( pipeline)
for doc in result:
if __name__ == "__main__" :
try :
vector_query( )
except Exception as e:
print ( "error" , e)
finally :
client. close( )