Weaviate is a AI-native open-source vector database.

Install Weaviate:

pip install weaviate-client



  1. Install Langtrace’s SDK and initialize the SDK in your code.


Here’s a quick example of how to use Langtrace with Weaviate:

import * as Langtrace from '@langtrase/typescript-sdk'
import weaviate, { ObjectsBatcher } from 'weaviate-ts-client'
import fetch from 'node-fetch'

Langtrace.init({ write_spans_to_console: true })

const client = weaviate.client({
  apiKey: { apiKey: process.env.WEAVIATE_API_KEY ?? '' },
  host: process.env.WEAVIATE_HOST ?? '',
  headers: { 'X-OpenAI-Api-Key': process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY ?? '' }
// Add the schema
const classObj = {
  class: 'Question',
  vectorizer: 'text2vec-openai', // If set to "none" you must always provide vectors yourself. Could be any other "text2vec-*" also.
  moduleConfig: {
    'text2vec-openai': {},
    'generative-openai': {} // Ensure the `generative-openai` module is used for generative queries

async function addSchema (): Promise<void> {
  await client.schema.classDeleter().withClassName('Question').do().then(async (_) => {
    const res = await client.schema.classCreator().withClass(classObj).do()
    console.log(JSON.stringify(res, null, 2))

// END Add the schema

// Import data function
async function getJsonData (): Promise<any> {
  const file = await fetch('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/weaviate-tutorials/quickstart/main/data/jeopardy_tiny.json')
  return await file.json()

async function importQuestions (): Promise<void> {
  // Get the questions directly from the URL
  const data = await getJsonData()

  // Prepare a batcher
  let batcher: ObjectsBatcher = client.batch.objectsBatcher()
  let counter = 0
  const batchSize = 100

  for (const question of data) {
    // Construct an object with a class and properties 'answer' and 'question'
    const obj = {
      class: 'Question',
      properties: {
        answer: question.Answer,
        question: question.Question,
        category: question.Category
      moduleConfig: { 'text2vec-transformers': { vectorizeClassName: true } }

    // add the object to the batch queue
    batcher = batcher.withObject(obj)

    // When the batch counter reaches batchSize, push the objects to Weaviate
    if (counter++ === batchSize) {
      // flush the batch queue
      await batcher.do()

      // restart the batch queue
      counter = 0
      batcher = client.batch.objectsBatcher()

  // Flush the remaining objects
  await batcher.do()

export async function run (): Promise<void> {
  await Langtrace.withLangTraceRootSpan(async () => {
    await addSchema()
    await importQuestions()
    await nearTextQueryAggregate()
    await nearTextWhereQueryWithFilter()
    await nearTextQueryRaw()

async function nearTextQueryRaw (): Promise<any> {
  const res = await client.graphql
    .withQuery('query { Get { Question { answer } } }')

  console.log(JSON.stringify(res, null, 2))
  return res

async function nearTextQueryAggregate (): Promise<any> {
  const res = await client.graphql
    .withFields('category { count }')

  console.log(JSON.stringify(res, null, 2))
  return res
async function nearTextWhereQueryWithFilter (): Promise<any> {
  const res = await client.graphql
    .withFields('question answer category')
    .withNearText({ concepts: ['biology'] })
      path: ['category'],
      operator: 'Equal',
      valueText: 'ANIMALS'

  console.log(JSON.stringify(res, null, 2))
  return res

void run().then(()=>{

Want to see more supported methods? Checkout the sample code in the Langtrace Weaviate Python Example and Langtrace Weaviate Typescript Example repositories.